Another day, another package (uwu)

I found an interesting package when I was looking into the rainbowkit source: Lavamoat.

What it do?

Quoting @metamask’s Lavamoat blog here,

“JavaScript is the most popular language for developers by far and is also very prone to supply chain attacks. This vulnerability timeline from 2017 shows a solid half of the attacks originating from npm…”

Basically, a simple npm install can rek you and your users in all sorts of ways! From an install script stealing your private keys (hope you use a separate wallet for development), to injecting hidden functionality into your app, supply chain attacks can hit from multiple angles.

Thankfully, @kumavis_ rode his terminal to the future and brought us back Lavamoat.

There are a few tools offered by LavaMoat in their GitHub repo to avoid supply chain attacks at different stages, but today I’m going to show off @lavamoat/allow-scripts since it’s an easy starting point and prevents the most common supply chain attack vector: malicious install scripts.

And, it’s easy to use.

Here’s how:

Install the package (ironic I know, but stay with me here) with:

yarn add -D @lavamoat/allow-scripts


npm i -D @lavamoat/allow-scripts

Setup, which adds a .yarnrc or .npmrc and the @lavamoat/preinstall-always-fail package to prevent preinstall scripts from running automatically, by doing:

yarn allow-scripts setup


npx --no-install allow-scripts setup

Configure your package.json to run necessary scripts by running:

yarn allow-scripts auto

And editing the new lavamoat section in your package.json.

You can find more details and up-to-date instructions on their npm page!

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  • 0xTARC